Miss Butterfly's Stories: Birthday Baby Boy MissB

Friday, 20 January 2012

Birthday Baby Boy MissB

celoteh efalovesukasuki

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*nanti kakefa belikan kek angry birds k, ya pun kalau ada. hehe*

Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Awangku Ezzudin Zharfan
Happy Birthday to You !!!

20th January 2012, which is you 8th birthday and now you are in Year 2. 

He loves gadget, and the latest is Ipad2. He asks my mother to give him an Ipad as a birthday present. 

*kakak pun belum dapat Samsung Galaxy, ade hati kan nak Ipad segalaa. haha*

He wants to look beautiful and handsome and smart, everyday everytime everywhere. 
He knows what is fashion and which one is OLD FASHION-,-  *pengaruh bonda lettew. haha*

p/s: imissyou badly 


  1. happy birthday judin. hehe. rindu lah nak dgar suara dia :D

  2. @Ayien Jamaluddin

    Hehehe, ha'ah kan. Teringat pulak zaman dolu dolu. haha

    Dia dah besar dah sekarang, dah nak bujan. haha

  3. @Nana Liyana

    Sweett kann, kalah gula-gula. hehehe

  4. whoa .~
    nanti wish kan sekali ..
    heee .~

  5. happy birthday ZHARFAN . i like his name . sweet <3 <3 weeee~

  6. @Feenas Sya

    Hehehe, Okay dehh. Akan disampaikan =)

  7. @ Pu Huiren

    Haha. barulah saya perasan nama adik saya ya ZHARFAN eventhough saya yg pilih nama tersebut =p


Thanks for the comment ^.^//
